Corporate Social Responsibility

Every Move makes a Difference

Every Move makes a Difference

At UNIBERG, our commitment to community engagement is deeply woven into the fabric of our corporate culture. Our dedication extends beyond just financial support – it’s about rolling up our sleeves and actively participating in meaningful initiatives.

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Cooking for Charity scaled
Cooking for Charity logo

One of our cherished traditions at UNIBERG is our ‘Cooking for Charity’ event. Every year, one of our teams comes together to prepare a delicious three-course meal for a local homeless shelter.
These meals are served at a small Christmas event, spreading joy and warmth during the holiday season.

Coming together for these causes isn’t just fulfilling.

It’s also incredibly fun.

At UNIBERG, we know that making a positive impact is the ultimate team event. We understand that every small act of kindness, every moment of support, and every shared smile can bring about a wave of positive change.

We’re committed to making a difference and helping where needed

Darmstadt Merck-Company Run

A team that sweats together stays together! We’re thrilled that our efforts (and sweat) are not only boosting our health, but that part of the entry fee is donated every year to social organizations.

Gallery 0001 Darmstadt Merck Company Run
Kreppel Donations 2024 scaled

Annual Kreppel Donations to celebrate Carnival

Every year, to mark the start of Carnival, we donate over 500 Kreppel to visitors, volunteers, and residents at various social institutions in the Frankfurt and Darmstadt area. These institutions include, for example, homeless shelters, residential facilities for women and children, and drug assistance centers.

A new sandbox for the local kindergarten

We are equally proud of the numerous initiatives our employees initiate, ranging from supporting local kindergartens to participating in refugee programs.

KinderGarden Wisbaden

We are grateful for the many great collaborations with social institutions, customers, and partners, as only together can we bring our initiatives to life

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UNIBERG be green logo
Icon Paperfree

Paperfree office

Icon Train

Train as preferred way for business travel – Bahncard for private usage

Icon Sustainable

Sustainable merchandise

Icon E bikes

Subsidized E-Bikes
for our team

Our Commitment to Sustainability

From offering digital flyers instead of printed ones, maintaining a paper-free office, and providing subsidized e-bikes for our team, we are constantly striving to reduce our CO2 footprint. 

Gallery Company bikes


Location pin
EschbornKölner Straße 12
65760 Eschborn
Location pin
DarmstadtMina-Rees-Straße 5a
64295 Darmstadt
Location pin
BebenseeDorfstraße 3
23816 Bebensee
Location pin
BerlinCharlottenstr. 65
10117 Berlin


Location pin
Sofiaul. Tintyava 15-17
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria