EConoM Closing Event, 05 December 2024, Berlin, Germany
Join us and learn about the future of Construction
After two years of research and development as part of the EConoM project, we are pleased to invite you to our closing event.
On December 5, 2024, we will present the results of the EConoM project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. You will gain insights into the applications of edge computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and modern communication technology on construction sites.
The goal of EConoM is to automate construction site processes reliably, user-friendly, and without disruptions. Our innovations aim to optimize and simplify workflows on construction sites. By integrating AI and 5G technology, we are creating new possibilities for automation, reducing construction times, and lowering costs on construction sites. Thanks to our established marketplace platform, companies can use IT tools and AI services with the help of edge computing technology during construction.
Join us as we present the results of our research and showcase our solutions for an automated construction site.
We look forward to welcoming you to our event.
Learn more about our project outcomes
Digital Infrastructure for Smart Construction Sites
Local, portable, and secure computing infrastructure (Edge) combined with a high-performance, reliable, and secure 5G network. These solutions are essential when construction sites require quickly available and flexible digital infrastructures for site automation and communication. Thanks to the reliability and performance of the infrastructure, use cases such as autonomous, wireless robotics can be realized. The ease of use ensures operation without the need for IT specialists.
With eSIM provisioning, devices such as robots and other 5G network participants can automatically register with the 5G network. Additionally, devices can be managed through a centralized solution. This enables automation of use cases where a device moves to a different construction site and consequently to a different 5G network.
Coverage optimization allows the 5G network to automatically adapt to changes on the construction site, ensuring optimal connectivity. A digital twin with BIM is used to identify changes on the site and the corresponding network requirements.
Das Forschungsprojekt EConoM – gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr – hat am 07.02.2023 gemeinsam mit dem Projektträger TÜV Rhein-land und den acht…