We are pleased to announce our participation in a collaborative conference paper as part of the EConoM research project. This paper is a joint effort between the Chair for Individualized Production at RWTH Aachen University, the Center for Construction Robotics and UNIBERG GmbH.
The paper presents a novel method for modeling the data required to simulate 5G networks on construction sites. This development is crucial for advancing ongoing research in the EConoM project, particularly in predicting the coverage and performance of 5G networks in line with planned construction progress.
Paper Title: An Ontology for Signal Strength Estimation of Nomadic 5G Networks on Construction Sites
Authors: Lukas Kirner, Jyrki Oraskari, Marit Zöcklein, Andreas Moeller and Sigrid Brell-Cokcan
This research is part of the EConoM project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport of Germany under the InnoNT – Förderprogramm Innovative Netztechnologien initiative.
We look forward to contributing further to this exciting field and sharing our findings with the broader research community.
Network availability and quality is vital for using robotics, real-time digital twins or augmented reality in construction. This paper explores using semantic web models to perform radio propagation calculations for construction sites. We have created an ontology describing and linking data to calculate how building element installation affects attenuation losses. Our findings enable to predict network quality in the context of construction progress to ensure network performance and coverage for mobile construction robotics. Hereby, network optimisation tasks can be automated or planned in time for readjusting antenna positions and orientation.
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