UNIBERG’s Sweet Carnival Tradition: Kreppel for Social Institutions in Darmstadt 2024

1 Kreppel Donations 2024 scaled

To mark the start of Carnival (known as “Fasching” in Germany), we gathered in Darmstadt to donate more than 500 Kreppels to visitors, volunteers, and residents of Diakonie Darmstadt’s social institutions. These included homeless shelters, residential facilities for women and children, and drug assistance centers. Our journey began at Teestube KONKRET, a homeless advisory center with which we have already worked closely in the past. As always, we were greeted with heartwarming smiles and gratitude.

Celebrating the third year of our Kreppel Donation tradition, we are again moved by the joy and positive impact these small gestures bring. It’s a reminder of the community’s strength and the difference we can make together. A heartfelt thanks to Tom, our coordinator at Diakonie Darmstadt. We extend our gratitude to the volunteers of Diakonie Darmstadt’s institutions for their invaluable work, making a tangible difference in the lives of many. Another big thanks to our team members who volunteered today and to Bäckerei Hoffmann for their generous support of our initiative.

Cooking for Charity 2022 Thumbnail

UNIBERG’s Cooking for Charity 2022 in Darmstadt 

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3 Kreppel Donation 2022

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